Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Welcome to the world of Happy Deeds

I am not sure it is a good idea for me to be allowed to blog, especially because what I say doesn't always make sense! Oh well - if you don't like it, don't read it I guess!

It's almost my favorite holiday of the year - Thanksgiving! Never have I had a bad Thanksgiving, even that year my dog died while my mom was baking the pies. Well ok maybe that one was a bit below average. Anyways, every year I look forward to the food and, since I have been away at school, getting to crash at my parent's house for a long weekend and spend time with my booger of a little sister.

Unfortunately, it appears that this Thanksgiving will be spoiled by the never ending chore that is applying to graduate school. I wish I could just fast forward to interviews in February and not have to deal with all the questions about my research experience and future career goals. Ugh. At least they will all be over soon... just in time for finals. You know you're a nerd when your free time is defined mostly by when you have to be studying for an exam and when you don't. Anyways, that's all for now - this nerd is out of here!

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